I Am Spiderwoman

Want to heal the world wide web with me? Not the computer knock-off, but the original Web of Life. The Earth. The web of life connects all of us, everything that makes up this precious Earth – we’re all intimately connected.

However, the web has some holes in it. Two days ago as I recited the phrase/prayer the Dalai Lama asks us to repeat five minutes a day: Breathing in, I cherish myself; Breathing out, I cherish everyone else. Because I’m an extreme animist, I’ve changed the ending to: Breathing out, I cherish the We. While repeating this two days ago, I visualized love repairing a broken strand of the web.

Yesterday, as I walked in the forest at Tryon Creek State Park, with my aqua walking sticks, aqua tennis, and aqua shirt, I visualized an aqua thread repairing a tear, and I thought of spider web. My spider web strands are aqua, and with each out breath, I repair a tear in the web.

How would you visualize repairing a broken strand? Knit, crochet, macrame, or some other method? Love is the evolutionary force that pushes us along. I sometimes put the entire Earth in my heart to love it up. With your love, what do you envision?

Loving everything and everyone, no exceptions. (You don’t have to like everyone to love them.) We’re in this together. Wouldn’t it be great if we acted like it?

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